In 2018, the idea for Welcome Baskets for families served by Family Promise was born. Learn more about this outreach and the impact it has on individuals and families who receive them!
Time to Restock the Welcome Baskets!
Welcome Baskets

As families from Family Promise or individuals from the Housing Advocate Network “graduate” into homes of their own, each receive appropriately sized housewarming gifts of necessary supplies needed to reestablish home life.
- In 2021, we delivered welcome baskets to 13 families.
- In 2022, we delivered welcome baskets to 48 families
We now need more supplies for 2023!
Baskets of Love- Welcome Baskets
Donations Accepted in February

As families from Family Promise or individuals from the Housing Advocate Network “graduate” into homes of their own, each receives appropriately sized housewarming gifts of necessary supplies needed to reestablish home life. In 2021, 20 deliveries were made. Donations of supplies, gas cards, gift cards, or financial donations are needed to restock the shelves. Click the button below to signup and help restock our shelves in February.
THANK YOU! MIC Fundraiser

THANKS to all of you who participated in the MIC Gratitude through Action Gala and Auction. The auction and pie sales were great fun! We had some very happy bidders!
Did you miss our Virtual Gala?
Click the button below to check out our progress on our goal and to view the video. Available through Friday, December 3, 2021
If you were able to watch and have not yet donated, please consider making a gift. Every gift – no matter the size – helps us help others.
MIC Fundraiser: Gratitude Through Action

Thank you for supporting the Missoula Interfaith Collaborative. This fundraiser will benefit Missoula Works, Family Promise, the Housing Advocate Network and Common Good Missoula.
Register now to join our VIRTUAL GALA on Zoom on November 9th from 7-8 pm for a time of celebration, reflection, and inspiration. Come learn about MIC programs, hear stories and learn about how to support our work into the next year. Can’t attend at that time? Register and we will send you a link to the recording.
NEW THIS YEAR- Pie Sales and Online Auction! November 1-12th.
PIE SALES Pumpkin and apple pies are for sale in the online store for $15 each. Limited quantity so don’t wait!
ONLINE AUCTION Check out the auction tab to see what our wonderful supporters have donated! The auction will will close Friday, November 12th at 8 pm. Pies, candies, hand made items, gift baskets and more.
Gratitude through Action Virtual Gala & Online Auction Fundraiser
Join us for MIC’s End of year Fundraiser to include a Virtual Gala on zoom on November 9th from 7-8 pm. We are also holding a pie sale & silent auction online from November 1st- November 12th.
Do you know a good pie maker? We are looking for people to make apple and pumpkin pies to be delivered in mid November. We also are looking for auction items to include speciality pies, baked goods, gift baskets, wine basket, experiences (e.g. cabin on a lake), photographs, paintings, services…. you name it ! Be creative! Sign up by October 30th to donate items! Check out our Virtual Gala & Online Auction Site for more details and to register.

Why Business Chaplaincy?

Every day employees struggle with life when a family member dies or a child is born. They do their best to cope when a divorce becomes finalized, or a move is imminent. Some people spiral toward languishing when a painful anniversary is on the horizon or work and family life become overwhelming. And, in the midst of this, employees keep working. Some employees may turn to the well-being options provided by their employees. A few employees may also call upon their pastor, rabbi, or a friend in their faith to assist as they navigate change and hardships; although not covered by company wellness offerings, this is also a helpful resource. Other employees do not have a faith community. They may not have a natural person to explore how their understanding of life, death, fear, purpose, and meaning may support or hinder them in their challenges. This is where chaplains often come into the picture.
Traditionally chaplains are found in military, prison, or hospital settings. In all these places, chaplains create opportunities and serve as a resource for anyone, regardless of faith association or spiritual understanding, to pay attention to their lives and connect their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves as they live amid challenging circumstances. We know life is challenging for us all. We also know that Missoulians are spiritually curious; however, only an estimated 10% access spiritual care through a faith community. Therefore, spiritual curiosities and life questions are unexplored, and people are unable to access their spiritual toolkit as they navigate the many challenges of life. This ultimately has detrimental effects on their ability to work, may lead to decreased performance, burnout, and for some, it becomes too much, and they resign.
A Business Chaplain provides presence and deep listening for employees when life impacts their ability to focus and work. A Business Chaplain assists them in drawing on their beliefs about life, purpose, and work as well as their fears, grief, and loss to help them live their most whole lives. Ultimately, this serves the companies who contract with the Missoula Chaplain in supporting their employees with this holistic approach to wellness.
Ready to explore including a business chaplaincy in your employee wellness package? I look forward to hearing from you.
Courtney Arntzen, Community Chaplain,, 406-544-2937
This work is held in sponsorship by the Missoula Interfaith Collaborative (MIC). To support this work, please send contributions to MIC with Community Chaplain in the memo or choose Community Chaplain from their drop-down donation menu on their website.
2205 34th St. Missoula, MT 59801 | |406) 207-8228
Family Promise Night Without a Bed Fundraiser

Thanks for your support! !
Thanks for showing your support for children and families battling homelessness and raise awareness of this crisis by joining Family Promise’s National fundraiser !
Night Without A Bed Sleep-out
June 26th, 2021
We raised$15,940 of our $20,000 Goal
with 85 Donors!
All funds will go to support Family Promise- Missoula
Family Promise… entering a new era
Terry Burke, Family Promise Advisory Team
On Mother’s Day on May 13, 2012, Family Promise of Missoula opened their doors bringing
hope to families experiencing homelessness; to regain their housing, their independence, and their dignity. A special thanks to the dedicated team from Missoula who laid the groundwork for Family Promise.
In 2013, Missoula Interfaith Collaborative (MIC) formed to strengthen community organizations, generate leaders, and foster meaningful relationships as they act for the common good. In 2016, Family Promise of Missoula merged with MIC to work together and leverage their strengths.
In August 2019, the YWCA and MIC broke ground for the Meadowlark to provide critical support and shelter for victims of domestic violence and homeless families.
Family Promise, since 2012, has served up to 4 families at a time and now, in collaboration with
the YWCA, will be able to serve 31 families. Additionally the YWCA will house up to
13 households fleeing domestic violence at the Meadowlark. We, the volunteers, the local
congregations, and the community partners, have come together to make a difference. On Mother’s Day, 2021, our Family Promise families will spend their first night in the Family Housing Center… a new era for Family Promise.
Thank you Missoula for all your support in making this a reality!